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Class 9 English | Chapter- 6 |My Childhood | No Men Are Foreign

Class 9 English | Chapter- 6 |My Childhood	| No Men Are Foreign

Summary of My Childhood:

The text is about a man who grew up in a small town called Rameswaram. He was born into a middle-class Tamil family with his father, Jainulabdeen, and his mother, Ashiamma, who were kind and generous. The family was modest but caring, often sharing their food with many people.

The man, who was a short boy with ordinary looks, lived in a big old house and had a secure childhood. During World War II, he collected tamarind seeds to earn some money and later helped deliver newspapers. He felt proud of earning his own money for the first time.

He learned important values from his parents: honesty and kindness from his father, and faith in goodness from his mother. He had friends from different backgrounds and they all got along well, despite their different religions.

One time, a new teacher at school unfairly made him sit at the back of the class because he was Muslim and his friend was Hindu. This upset both boys, and the teacher was later confronted by the boy’s friend’s father, who insisted on treating everyone equally. This incident made a lasting impression on the boy.

Another teacher, Sivasubramania Iyer, challenged social barriers and invited the boy to his home for a meal. Despite his wife’s initial refusal to serve the boy in the kitchen, Sivasubramania Iyer served him himself. Over time, the wife accepted the boy, showing a change in attitude.

When India was close to gaining independence, the boy’s father supported his decision to study in a bigger city, using the metaphor of a seagull flying away to grow. His father encouraged him to pursue his dreams and find his own path.

Explanation :

This text tells the story of a man’s childhood and how he learned about kindness, fairness, and overcoming social barriers. It highlights how his family’s values and the experiences he had with friends and teachers shaped his understanding of equality and self-respect. The story shows that despite challenges and differences, treating everyone with respect and kindness is important.

Class 9 English | Chapter- 6 |My Childhood | No Men Are Foreign


Class 9 English | Chapter- 6 |My Childhood	| No Men Are Foreign

Summary of No Men Are Foreign:

Summary :

The poem talks about how all people are essentially the same, no matter where they come from or what they look like. It explains that beneath everyone’s clothes and uniforms, we all have the same human body and share the same Earth. The land we live on is the same for everyone, and we all experience the same natural things like the sun, air, and water.

The poem reminds us that people in different countries have similar lives, work hard, and feel the same way we do. It says that when we are told to hate others or fight against them, we are actually hurting ourselves and our shared world. Instead of seeing others as different or foreign, we should recognize that we are all connected as humans.

Explanation :

The poem encourages us to see beyond our differences and understand that all people are fundamentally the same. It teaches that no matter where someone comes from, they share common experiences and emotions with us. By realizing this, we can overcome prejudice and conflict, and instead focus on our shared humanity and connection.



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