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English Grammar : Determiners

English Grammar : Determiners
  1. Articles

  2. Demonstratives

  3. Possessives

  4. Quantifiers

  5. Numbers

  6. Interrogatives

  7. Indefinites

  8. Distributives


Determiners are words that come before nouns to provide information about the identity, quantity, or specificity of the noun.

Determiners help to clarify whether the noun is definite or indefinite, singular or plural, or whether it refers to something specific or general. They are an essential part of noun phrases.

Determiners - Articles

Definite Article: "The" Example: "I saw the dog in the park." (Here, "the" specifies a particular dog.)

Indefinite Articles: "A" and "An" Example: "I saw a dog in the park." (Here, "a" introduces a nonspecific dog.)

English Grammar : Determiners

Determiners - Demonstratives

"This," "That," "These," "Those" Example: "This book is interesting." (The word "this" refers to a specific book.)

Determiners - Possessives

"My," "Your," "His," "Her," "Its," "Our," "Their" Example: "Please pass me my pen." (The word "my" indicates possession.)

Determiners - Quantifiers

"Some," "Any," "Many," "Few," "Several," "All," "Most," "None," etc. Example: "I have some money." (The word "some" indicates an unspecified amount.)

Determiners - Interrogatives

"Which," "What," "Whose“ Example: "Which car is yours?" (The word "which" helps to specify the car.)

Determiners - Indefinites

"Each," "Every," "Another," "Either," "Neither" Example: "Every student must complete the assignment." (The word "every" indicates all students.)

Determiners - Distributives

"Each," "Every," "Either," "Neither" Example: "Each of you will receive a prize." (The word "each" refers to every individual.)

Final Word

Determiners are essential for providing context, specifying quantity, indicating possession, and expressing other important details about nouns in sentences

It's important to choose the appropriate determiner based on the intended meaning and the characteristics of the noun being described.


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